Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kya Aap Mujhse jyada bolte hai???

"You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to
make them all yourself"

Must have heard it many times, but in real life, you don't get many such
opportunities to learn from others unless you are as opportunistic as an Arbitrage
fund manager.

Well, let me come straight to point, else you might feel, I have taken a new job to
clarify all the famous quotes.

Actually, this is related with job only. Last week I noticed something at job through
another person in job and thought it would be useful to share with others in job. So
there came the idea of putting into this space.

चचा, हुआ कुछ यूँ था की एक बंदा, जो Hetch-1* पे था, अपनी existing cos को लात मारके निकल लिया.

Apart from typical IT lingo, I really have no vested interest in putting above line like
that. Even though, to some extend, these sounds like double meaning**, but considering the fact that among this blog's audience not many are family audience***, I am kind of safe in writing something like this.

Hmm, so the guy on Hetch-1 quits and sends a resignation mail without bothering
whether it would be accepted or not.
Further details are neither in legal and moral scope of this blog nor I am interested
in, but what I observed in there, actually became a support for me to the yesterday's
lunch time discussion that I had with few of my colleagues. And I was trying to
suggest the cons scenarios for the discussion - "pros and cons of contributing to VPF"

That Hetch-1 guy, on top of actual EPF, was contributing 4-5% to VPF monthly. And
now when practically, there won't be any proper settlement with company, he is
almost sure to loose track of those PF amount along with his added VPF.
So the thing is why block and risk extra through VPF when you are already blocking
24% (Employee and Employer contribution) of your basic for years with single digit
rate of interest.

By the way, this was not the actual example; I had some different example in mind
for 'other's mistake' when I had started.
Ahhh, I again forgot... ज्यादा बोलने से यही होता है.

Ummm... How often do you face this situation? Yeah, this one, the forgetting habit
because of too much speaking.

Actually, it seems to me as if I don't forget rather my thoughts within me starts
fighting among itself and which thoughts takes the priority mostly depends on
external temp, pressure and so many factors.

Which factors? Actually, I meant factors like..... Arrggghhh! I again forgot...

Hopefully, this was a better example and if I can't learn, at least you can learn from
this mistake of mine.

* आप ही बतायिए, Hetch को Hetch नहीं तो क्या बोलेंगे.

** In theory, something which is understood in every other way than it literally

*** The crowd consisting of one's who are responsible for increasing the family size
         and the one's resulted from increased family size. Or precisely, audience where
         elders start looking for a remote when suddenly an advertisement starts with a
         famous song "प्यार हुआ इकरार हुआ ..."


उद्घोसना: ऊपर लिखे गए विचार की सारी घटनाएं तथा पात्र काल्पनिक है. किसी भी जीवित जंतु से समानता पूरी तरह से संयोग है. इससे, किसी भी रूप में हुए हानि के जिम्मेदार हम नहीं होंगे.

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