"Not all love stories are meant to have perfect ending. Some stay incomplete. Yet they are beautiful in their own way."
This is the lines from the novel's cover, "I too had a love story", which I picked up randomly at Chandigarh Railway station to kill my journey time.
As I was reading novel after long time it helped me finish it ASAP. Story was somewhat interesting and language was not deliberately complex as with Dan Brawn or Paulo Coelho. Having said that, I mean, I could quickly turn the pages without putting so much effort to understand the complexity of the sentence. And, on top of that, it was written by a S/W Engg; so his lingo was much expected.
Accepting the fact that, it was written by an amateur, I didn't expect too much from the book and never did regret my decision of putting 100 bucks for it.
I enjoyed the plot, simplicity and innocence of the writer throughout the book.
Towards the mid of the story, his desperate attempt to force sense of humour pissed me off and in addition, most pages used to have 100 times "Shona" and kiss. Luckily, those pages did not last long and then something came which engrossed me too much into story.
Oh, Boy! If it is real, I wonder, how he got the courage to write the "unexpected" part of the book.
While everything about this book is ordinary, last part with khushi is definitely not ordinary and it may make you feel - Ohh no... Why she???? or even moist Eyes.